Engineering and Physics Demonstrations

… video demonstrations of principles and devices

Featured Videos

Dr. Dave’s Hall of Fame

high voltage disconnect switch,   internal combustion (IC) engine 4-stroke cycle,   computer hard-drive (track seeking, super-slow motion),   guitar harmonics and chords,   piano harmonics and spectra experiment,   tuning fork (vibration, modal analysis, sound waveform, spectral analysis),   old washing machine mechanisms,   billiards 30° rule,   billiards power draw,   billiards CIT and SIT,    billiards famous trick shots,    toy physics (tumbling catwoodpecker, duck)

Categorized Videos

Billiards and Pool
Control Systems
    – bowling
    – toys
Energy, Thermal, Fluid Systems
    – bowling mechanisms
    – cams
    – gear drives
    – linkages
    – speed governors
    – washing machines

Mechatronics and Measurement Systems
     – actuators
     – circuit examples
     – electrical components and measurements
     – mechatronic system examples
     – PIC microcontroller examples
     – student microcontroller design projects
     – power transmission
     – sensors
    – with fun YouTube links
Solid Mechanics, Materials, Machining
Vibration and Sound
    – frequency response
    – spectral content
    – vibration experiments

See Also